Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns study (DOPPS)

Powerful data. Global insights.

DOPPS helps shape practice and policy for better health across the world.

Arbor Research’s more than 100 interdisciplinary staff of health service researchers, physicians, epidemiologists, biostatisticians, health economists, and data scientists stand ready to serve as an independent and credible resource to the health care industry.

We give clients the evidence they need to:

  • Support decision-making
  • Develop better health policies
  • Improve safety and effectiveness of treatments and interventions, and
  • Ultimately result in better and equitable patient outcomes

Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns study (DOPPS)

The DOPPS provides reliable and comprehensive health data to clients seeking real-world evidence (RWE) to improve outcomes for patients with kidney diseases. With observational settings across 20 countries, greater than 775 sites, and approximately 34,000 end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) and non-dialysis-dependent chronic kidney disease (ND-CKD) patients, we collect clinical and facility practice data and patient-reported outcomes to address diverse research questions.

hemodialysis room equipment
Physician studying a report on a computer screen

Manuscripts, publications, and reports

We generate quality evidence in the form of peer-reviewed manuscripts, publications, and reports for valuable insights on the safety and efficacy of drugs and products in real-world settings.

Data collection

Our ePro and new data collection services generate high-quality clinical data to support ancillary investigations. We also offer enrichment of patients’ data based on specific criteria, ensuring accurate and representative data for your research. Our electronic data capture system is 21CFR part 11 compliant.

Birds-eye view of two doctors reviewing information on a tablet computer.